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Guild  Meetings are Virtual on the Third Wednesday of the Month

Our next online meeting will be on
September 20 2023 at 7:00 pm
Details coming mid-summer.

While you're waiting for September, have a look at what is in store for members during our 2023-2024 guild year,

and prepare for the WCQG Quilt Exhibit in October...

and fun in January...

and starting in the fall.

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Gatherings are In-Person on the First Wednesday of the Month

Gatherings will resume in September

We are kick starting the new season of Gatherings by featuring 3 sewing bees. These bees will not only give members an opportunity to contribute to the charitable work of the guild; they will also provide a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones after the summer break. Looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces and some new ones too in September.

Gatherings started as a new programme last year. This monthly in-person programme was created to enable members to meet, sew, socialize and learn. From September to June, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm, on the first Wednesday of the month, there will be space for members who wish to sew. There will be an opportunity to pick up and deliver supplies and projectst to SMILE and PAL and other outreach projects. The library will be open to take out and return library books. If there is interest there will be an opportunity for members to participate in the UFO Challenge and Strippers Club.  * Please note that the library will be open from 10:30 am until 2:00 pm.

Coordinators: Elaine LaRonde & Jean McFarlane.


Sew for the boutique with Ev Cameron and Leah Mitchell. Details can be found on page 9 of the June Newsletter.

Are you ready for a new kind of challenge that will be introduced at our first Gatherings on September 6? This challenge is a little different and should be lots of fun. All you need is to attend the September Gatherings, bring a meter of fabric, a pair of scissors and be prepared to have some fun with this new challenge. You might even win some prizes! Specific time for the event will be shared in early September. Click HERE for information.


Sew for Quilts of Valour with Deby Wettges.


Sew for Smile Quilts with Peggy Herlick, Helene Doerfler and committee.


Totes and Purses with Grace Cameron

Please Note:

At this time masks are optional and proof of vaccination is not required.

Quick Links
Online Store

Thanks to all the borrowers who came to the library this guild year – we look forward to seeing you again.  


A huge THANK YOU to the all volunteers who helped make the library work so well.   Your time was very much appreciated.  


Everyone – have a great and safe summer.


The Library Team

Be sure to read the mid-summer Newsletter and Website for an update from the Library – we’ve got something new for you.

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Show & Share

Donna McKay: 


Anne Schott

The deadline for submitting to Show & Share is the Sunday prior to the guild meeting.

To view Show & Share for past months to to:

Show & Share Archives.

At the WCQG Online Store you can:

  • Join the guild

  • Renew membership

  • Purchase guest passes

  • Register for workshops

  • Register for Sewing Together, But Apart Days

  • Purchase newsletter ads

Members & Guests

To access the membership and guest pass forms, please go to the Membership Page

Smile & PAL Quilts

To access the Smile and PAL Quilt request forms please go to the Community Outreach Page.

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Follow Us
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Special Projects
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Upcoming  Workshops

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Introduction to Sashiko
Renske Helmuth in person


Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm
Location: Renske’s home in the Moorefield area - directions will be provided closer to the date
Cost: $55 includes a kit to be provided at the workshop
Skill level: Beginner and beyond

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Thursday, September 28, 2023
Master the Meander
Angela Walters

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023
Time: 10am - 1pm ET (3 hours)
Cost: $45
Skill level: Beginner and beyond

Workshop Information & Registration

Once you have paid for your workshop at the online store, please send an email  with the name of the workshop, your name, phone number and email address to:

For details on each of  the workshop go to the Workshops page.

Open Sewing Days

Our Open Sewing Times for members only, are continuing each* Monday afternoon  from 2 to 4 pm.  We continue to share social time, great conversations and laughter – all things that are so good for the soul right now.  Come when you can, leave when you wish. We are enjoying a great time together. The links are in the weekly updates.

There will also be monthly  Saturday Open Sewing Day every month.

*Except holiday Mondays

Sewing Together, But Apart

Our Sewing Together, But Apart Days provide an entire day of sewing activities, including sharing tips and strategies, socializing as well as having guest speakers join us for part of the day. To help cover some of the cost of the guest speakers, a charge of $10.00 is included for the afternoon guest speaker. With the possibilities Zoom provides, we are able to access guest speakers from near and far. We look forward to having you join us. Participants are invited to come for all or part of the day. This is event is open to members of the WCQG only. There is no limit to the number of participants.


For details of next session(s) click the date(s) below.

Sewing Together Registration

Once you have for paid a Sewing Together, But Apart day, please send an email  with the date of the event at the online storeyour name, phone number and email address to:

Sewing Together Coordinator

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