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Guild  Meetings are held on the Third Wednesday of the Month

We are looking forward to the next guild year,  2024-2025

Gatherings are In-Person on the First Wednesday of the Month

Gatherings - Wednesday, September 4, 2024

For those of you who have been able to participate in the guild Gatherings days for the last 2 years, we are certain you have enjoyed this monthly opportunity to socialize, make new friends, access the library, pick up some new skills from featured members and connect with our many guild charity activities.


Many thanks to Jean McFarlane and Elaine LaRonde for your leadership and creativity in making Gatherings possible. We appreciate you and the effort you have put in to make these days fun, inclusive and informative.


We, Kathy Bissett and Judy Pearce, your new Gatherings organizers, will do our best to follow Jean and Elaine's fine leadership example. We are hoping to create opportunities to create charity projects together. Perhaps we could work together on a quilt for a specific charity such as a Pal Quilt, a quilt for the Relief Sale or another specific charity? Or maybe a Teddy Bear Quilt day or a Smile Quilt day? The Heart Pillows will be an ongoing project.


We also want to make sure you are aware that if you have your own projects to work on during any Gatherings day, you are welcome to do that. There won't ever be pressure to work on a designated activity. Or just come and hang out with your quilting friends!! Oh, and we'll enjoy another craft swap (just one next year) with sign up in the fall and the big reveal in the spring.


The format for featured members may change a bit. When there is a featured member, we can expect a colourful display of quilts on the railing and some short explanations.


We would like to encourage you to bring along your own coffee and tea except for those special occasions when we will share potluck snacks together.


Keep your eyes open for the mid-summer newsletter. In it there will be instructions for an ice breaker/“get to know you activity” for our first Gatherings day in September. Remember "the snip it, rip it challenge". Yes, something like that!!


Looking forward to lots of fun and friendship next year. Let us know if you have ideas for the Gatherings days.


Coordinators: Judy Pearce & Kathy Bissett

Please Note:

At this time masks are optional and proof of vaccination is not required.

Quick Links
Show & Share

The deadline for submitting to Show & Share is the Sunday prior to the guild meeting.

To view Show & Share for past months to to:

Show & Share Archives.

Online Store

At the WCQG Online Store you can:

  • Join the guild

  • Renew membership

  • Purchase guest passes

  • Register for workshops

  • Register for Sewing Together, But Apart Days

  • Purchase newsletter ads

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Special Projects
Members & Guests

Processing new and renewing memberships can take up 72 hours.

The purchase of guest passes will close 72 hours before the meeting. To access the membership and guest pass forms, please go to the Membership Page

Smile & PAL Quilts

To access the Smile and PAL Quilt request forms please go to the Community Outreach Page.

Follow Us
  • Facebook Social Icon
Peaking Bookworm.jpg

Inspiration Galore at the Quilt Exhibit!!

Something in your stash that would work??

Bet the Library could help bring the two together!!


Friendly reminder that all guild library books must be returned at the June Gatherings scheduled for June 5. If you can't attend, please give your books to another member to return that day, or email the library to make other arrangements at


Anne Schott, Eilleen Yorysh, Sandy Bussey

Open Sewing Days

Our Open Sewing Times for members only, are continuing each* Monday afternoon  from 2 to 4 pm.  We continue to share social time, great conversations and laughter – all things that are so good for the soul right now.  Come when you can, leave when you wish. We are enjoying a great time together. The links are in the weekly updates.

There will also be monthly  Saturday Open Sewing Day every month.


*Except holiday Mondays

Sewing Together, But Apart (STBA)

Our Sewing Together, But Apart Days provide an entire day of sewing activities, including sharing tips and strategies, socializing as well as having guest speakers join us for part of the day. To help cover some of the cost of the guest speakers, a charge of $10.00 is included for the afternoon guest speaker. With the possibilities Zoom provides, we are able to access guest speakers from near and far. We look forward to having you join us. Participants are invited to come for all or part of the day. This is event is open to members of the WCQG only. There is no limit to the number of participants.


STBA takes place on the second Wednesday of the month.

For details of next sessions go to the online store.

Sewing Together Registration

Once you have for paid a Sewing Together, But Apart day, please send an email  with the date of the event at the online storeyour name, phone number and email address to:

Sewing Together Coordinator

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